Sell or Transfer House
When a person passes away leaving real estate the executor or next of kin needs to consider what action must be taken.
The first thing to do is check the insurance position is up to date and any outgoing obligations are notes, rates, water, mortgage repayments. If you are the Executor you are now responsible for what is often the biggest asset of an estate.
If the plan is to sell the property the title will need to be changed from the name of the deceased to the Personal Representative before a contract of sale can be signed.
The paperwork required will depend on the overall net value of the estate and whether there is a Will.
If the title was jointly held with a surviving partner there is another form to be lodged with the Titles Office but you will need the death certificate first.
Regardless of the situation we can advise and help you.
Or get started with your Change of Title via our New Client Intake Questions that will take you about 7 - 10 minutes to complete